T7 Design

K20 K24 F20 Engine Block Coolant Pre-Heater Kit - 115v

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  • Regular price $321.00

Honda K20 K24 F20 Engine Block Coolant Pre-Heater Kit - 115v

Introducing a must have engine block pre-heater kit for Honda K20, K24 or F20 engines used in race conditions and applications. This compact, lightweight pre-heater kit is a direct fit to the rear of the engine and when connected to a mains power source, it heats the engine coolant up to premium operating temperature without the engine running.

Reduce unnecessary wear on expensive engine components, which in a highly strung race engine is limited to hours of running before rebuilds is cost saving. In a variety of Motorsport events, it is common for noise and emissions limits before races start. This pre-heater kit does not require the engine to be running, so you can pre-heat your coolant to the correct temperature and be completely prepared for the race start. Race engines can often be difficult under cold start conditions, using this kit will help alleviate these issues.

These kits also have a large benefit in road cars exposed to cold climates, plugging in the Calix engine heater prior to leaving the house enables the coolant to warm up enabling the engine to run more efficiently thus reduced emissions, fuel consumption and of course the heater being warm upon your departure.

**Please note, no components in this kit can be allowed to come into contact with moving or hot parts of the engine. The distance to all parts of the exhaust system, or turbo unit must be at least 50 mm (2”). Calix offer a suitable heat shield which can be used to deflect the heater from other components.**

Calix engine heaters are not compatible with any radiator sealant, radweld, cooling system stop leak or other coolant leak repair additives. Using the heater in conjunction with these chemicals will invalidate the warranty.


  • Compact and lightweight.
  • Easy and quick to assemble.
  • Does not require the engine to be running whilst in use.
  • Warming up the engine prior to start up reduces the level of wear on engine components.
  • Reduces cold starting and cuts down fuel consumption.
  • Reduce carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon emissions.
  • Enables the warming of the engine where strict noise and emission restrictions are in place.

Specification Metric Imperial & Other
Power 400W 1365 BTU
Voltage 115V AC
Current Draw 3.47A
Weight (Element Only) 0.16 kg 0.35 lbs
Conformity CE, IP46
Manufacturer Calix
Country Of Manufacturer Sweden
Kit Contents
Quantity Description
1x Block Heater Kit UI241 (K20, K24 & F20)
1x Inlet Cable MK 1.5m Dual 115/230V
1x Mains Supply Cable MS 3.5m NEMA 5-15 Plug